+ running a openCV program under GDB
+ seperation of project arch into different units
- servo handling unit(camera)
- driver unit(locomotion)
- image processing unit
- voice recognition unit.
- interaction interface unit
e.g: when we want to align the robot chase with camera,
we need servo & locomotion unit to interact.
+ Ques: orders are given obviously but can the orders be asked by slave.
servo and stepper operate at different resolutions, so the solution is
i. standardize the unit of measurement b/w them.
ii. create a f/b loop, so that slave uC can query the android app to get
the error with servo due to stepper movement
+ and the project workflow should stick to the plan.
+ seperation of project arch into different units
- servo handling unit(camera)
- driver unit(locomotion)
- image processing unit
- voice recognition unit.
- interaction interface unit
e.g: when we want to align the robot chase with camera,
we need servo & locomotion unit to interact.
+ Ques: orders are given obviously but can the orders be asked by slave.
servo and stepper operate at different resolutions, so the solution is
i. standardize the unit of measurement b/w them.
ii. create a f/b loop, so that slave uC can query the android app to get
the error with servo due to stepper movement
from all these one thing is clear calibration is the most important that is to be considered first.
+ and the project workflow should stick to the plan.