This code snippet extracts the lower and higher bound HSV values for the object of interest.
Code Listing
Run the program with any input image. Adjust the slider so that the object of interest is show white. Note the values. Thats it. You are done.
#include<stdio.h> #include<cv.h> #include<highgui.h> int max = 255; int lowHue = 10 ; int lowSat = 0 ; int lowVal = 0 ; int highHue = 100 ; int highSat = 255 ; int highVal = 255 ; void onLowHue ( int value ) { lowHue = value ; } void onLowSat ( int value ) { lowSat = value ; } void onLowVal ( int value ) { lowVal = value ; } void onHighHue ( int value ) { highHue = value ; } void onHighSat ( int value ) { highSat = value ; } void onHighVal ( int value ) { highVal = value ; } IplImage* hsv_from_rgb(IplImage* _src); IplImage* hsv_threshold ( IplImage* _hsv_src, CvScalar _min, CvScalar _max ); void cvCreateShowWindow(char* name, IplImage *src) { cvNamedWindow(name,CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); cvShowImage(name, src); } IplImage* resize_640x480(IplImage* _src) { IplImage* res = cvCreateImage( cvSize(640,480) , _src->depth, _src->nChannels ); cvResize ( _src, res, CV_INTER_LINEAR ); return res; } int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { if ( argc < 2 ) { printf ("Error: no input image found\n" ) ; exit (1) ; } cvStartWindowThread(); IplImage* src = cvLoadImage(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); cvCreateShowWindow("src", src); cvWaitKey(0); IplImage* cir = cvCloneImage (src) ; //IplImage* _src = cvCreateImage ( cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ) ; //cvCvtColor (src, _src, CV_BGR2GRAY) ; IplImage* _src = resize_640x480 (src); //cvSmooth ( _src, _src, CV_GAUSSIAN, 15, 0, 0, 0); cvCreateShowWindow(" input", _src); cvCreateShowWindow("Output",_src ); cvCreateTrackbar("LowHue", "Output", &lowHue, max, onLowHue); cvCreateTrackbar("HighHue", "Output", &highHue, max, onHighHue); cvCreateTrackbar("LowSat", "Output", &lowSat, max, onLowSat); cvCreateTrackbar("HighSat", "Output", &highSat, max, onHighSat); cvCreateTrackbar("LowVal", "Output", &lowVal, max, onLowVal); cvCreateTrackbar("HighVal", "Output", &highVal, max, onHighVal); CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); IplImage* hsved = hsv_from_rgb ( _src ); IplImage* res ; while ( 1 ) { res = hsv_threshold( hsved, cvScalar( lowHue, lowSat, lowVal, 0), cvScalar( highHue, highSat, highVal, 255) ); cvWaitKey(30); cvShowImage("Output", res ); } // End of while loop cvCreateShowWindow("res", res); cvWaitKey(0); cvDestroyWindow("res"); cvDestroyAllWindows(); } IplImage* hsv_from_rgb(IplImage* _src) { IplImage* img = cvCloneImage ( _src ) ; cvCvtColor ( _src, img, CV_BGR2HSV ); return img; } IplImage* hsv_threshold ( IplImage* _hsv_src, CvScalar _min, CvScalar _max ) { IplImage* thresholded = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize( _hsv_src ), 8, 1 ); cvInRangeS( _hsv_src, _min, _max, thresholded ); return thresholded; }
Run the program with any input image. Adjust the slider so that the object of interest is show white. Note the values. Thats it. You are done.
works like a charm!